The Mission of every Christian is to win lost souls to Christ, then build them up through biblical discipleship so they can be sent out to win other lost souls to Christ (Jn 17:6-18). This directive from God is called “The Great Commission” found in Mt 28:19-20. Simply put, the ‘Mission’ of every Christian is to Win, Build, Send.  God also says, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world” (James 1:27). 

Therefore, we believe God has called us to fulfill this ‘Mission’ in Malawi in a unique way. We are fulfilling this calling through an initiative we entitled ‘SET’ Malawi in Christ. SET means Spiritually and Economically Transform Malawi in Christ. Malawi Talent Fund (MTF) creates jobs, which in-turns enables the workers to tithe to their local church. The local church provides spiritual transformation underpinned by MTF which provides economic transformation. God uses the local church as his center of operation for spiritual transformation and evangelism. If church members have no job or money, they cannot support the local church.

Without locally generated financial support, the mission of the local church is much more difficult and unfortunately much slower. MTF’s goal is to underpin or fuel the spiritual transformation led by the local church through economic development and job creation. We believe this unique model of marrying spiritual and economic transformation will unleash tremendous power in support of the Mission. 

Consider the facts: churches in Malawi require pastors to have full time jobs outside the church. Churches can’t grow without funds. Ten percent tithe on zero income is zero. Children that are fortunate enough to finish school can’t find jobs; therefore, boredom, poverty and low self-image rush in. It’s hard to execute the Build, Send components of the Mission with an empty stomach, no access to resources/education, and limited transportation. 

Imagine a day when basic income and support comes from local organic sources, and donations from the USA are just used for growth and expansion into new regions and territories. Imagine teenage boys and girls with careers and the ability to support themselves and their families tithing back to their church. The potential is unlimited. 

We realize many secular organizations do a fine job in Africa focusing on economic development with pure humanitarian goals. These organizations do experience some success; however, without Christ, what eternal value has been accomplished? In our model, economic transformation is designed to support the Mission by employing members of the local church. Once the SET model is proven in Malawi, why not replicate this model in other developing nations?

We are pleased to report that the SET principles are beginning to take shape in the Namikango village, the site of our commercial farm. Our local commercial business, L2 Limited, sponsors bi-weekly gospel lunches for our workers. Our workers are responding to the gospel message being presented by local pastors. We are wining souls to Christ and pointing them to the local church where they are being discipled so they in-turn will begin the Mission to Win, Build, Send.