Malawi Talent Fund (MTF) and all start-up businesses will follow Biblically-based business principles. While it is impossible to document every possible situation, it is possible to outline basic principles and standards that will govern the Board of Directors as well as every business created by the organization.



We will align all of our business practices and relationships with investors (donors), vendors, employees, government officials, business partners and all other third parties to Biblical standards of integrity, fairness, trust, and honesty.



We will fully comply with any and all local and federal government laws in Malawi, the United States, and any other country where we conduct business.



We will not engage in bribes or illegal favors in order to influence local authorities or circumvent local or international laws.



We will pay fair wages at or above the local market rate or stated government wage guidelines.



We will invest net profits generated by local Malawi businesses back into the same or additional Malawi businesses. Our intention is to invest profits in Malawi



Critical decisions will be made by the board with bias towards Malawian business people.



We will outline employee conduct and expectations in an employee handbook. All employees will be managed and judged based on the details outlined in the handbook.



We will provide employee training to all employees. Training will include Christian discipleship, personal finance, basic business principles to name a few.



We will not attempt to change local culture or traditions unless they violate God’s Word. Also, we may change local customs or traditions if there is a legitimate business requirement to improve efficiency and quality. For example: local culture has farmers plant maze in long mounds between small valleys. This is inefficient and leads to low yields.



We will purposefully recruit, hire and train women at all levels within our businesses including senior management rolls. Special focus will be given to promote and empower women.



We will be focusing on businesses that can scale with the potential to employ hundreds, if not thousands, of people. Our businesses may start small; however, the business plan must demonstrate substantial potential for growth.